This page is a living (for now) manual for the SmartLife RGBW controller. I say living, because I am still developing on it as I find new features to add or bugs to fix. Of course, it was meant to be used with SmartThings, but it does have a web interface and can be used independently.
Sonoff Documentation
As I am likely done developing on this great little relay, I wanted to write a short post regarding how to interact with it. Of course, it was meant to be used with SmartThings, but it does have a web interface and can be used independently.
Strips by Sensative – Thin Z-Wave Door/Window Sensor
Another crowd funded device, Strips by Sensative is an ultra thin Z-Wave door / window sensor that is meant for those that are sick of ugly, blocky sensors that typically sit on your door or window frame. I finally got my hands on one and have spent a few hours testing the device to see how it compares to the multitude of sensors that exist in the home automation market.
SmartLife (H801) esp8266 Based RGBW Controller
This is a relatively inexpensive RGBW controller powered by the esp8266. It is a great little device that I have spent some time working on. Currently using 3 in my home and they have been great. This is fun little device!
Hush Smart Earplugs Impressions / Review
Look & Feel
I’m very impressed with the aesthetics of the Hush and it’s packaging. Everything is designed well – from the earbuds, to the case, and even down to the product box. When opening and handling it, I really felt like I was handling a premium product. Something that I would say isn’t very common for crowdfunded products.
Sonoff Wifi Switch & SmartThings
This is a wifi relay that can be found for as low as $5. I have had a few of these up and running for a little while now and they are working great. They can even support instant status updates (notify SmartThings on state change) when the switch is toggled by pressing the button, and are really quite simple to setup.
My life consists of many things (father, husband, System Engineer, church goer, etc.) but I often find it’s spare time filled with project after project. There is little in life more fulfilling than taking a project from beginning to end and witnessing the fruits of it’s completion. This blog is meant to document those projects, and share with others, the knowledge gained along the way. Hopefully there will be many others out there that will be educated, enlightened, and find entertainment in the things written here.
As a System Engineer and lover of technology, most of my projects fall into that sphere. Most of them are “Smart Home” related, but there may occasionally be some deviation. If you stumble upon this site, I hope you enjoy what you find here and please leave comments if your heart desires.